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Blog Estate Planning

Get a Fresh Financial Start: California Bankruptcy Filings

We handle all types of legal issues that affect families in California, including bankruptcy. If you require bankruptcy representation, the Law Offices, can help. We know that dealing with financial problems is difficult and can cause extreme anxiety for you and your family. Consider Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Filing for bankruptcy is one of the most effective ways to eliminate debt, protect assets and achieve a fresh financial start.

Since 1994, the Law Offices of John Joseph Buckey, Jr. and Associates, has helped individuals, families and businesses put an end to their financial problems and get debt relief. To discuss your bankruptcy options in a free initial consultation, contact us today. Whether you require business bankruptcy or have divorce and bankruptcy issues, our Corona bankruptcy lawyers are ready to help you.

You can also visit our firm’s bankruptcy site.

Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can provide the debt relief you need. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, all unsecured debts such as credit card debt, medical bills and personal loans are discharged. Sometimes referred to as “liquidation” or “straight” bankruptcy, you must qualify for Chapter 7 under a bankruptcy means test in order to file. This test is largely based on your monthly income.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows a debtor to reorganize debt into a three- to five-year repayment plan. Chapter 13 is usually for those debtors who do not qualify for Chapter 7 but have enough income that allows them to benefit from a repayment plan.

Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are also extremely beneficial in that they can:

  • Stop creditor harassment
  • Stop foreclosure
  • Stop judgments, liens and garnishments
  • Stop repossession

We can discuss whether bankruptcy is the right option for you. In addition to bankruptcy, we offer a comprehensive approach to financial problems, and can help you with non-bankruptcy options such as negotiations and loan modifications.

Estate Planning

Are You Ready to Plan for the Future?

Essentially, estate planning is planning for the future. It is planning to see that your hard-earned assets are properly passed on to the next generation when you are no longer able to enjoy them.

In Riverside County, as well as the surrounding parts of California, people turn to the Law Offices for help with estate planning. Our attorneys are committed to providing customized plans that make sense for you and your family.

We Keep Fees Reasonable

Our team believes in providing effective estate planning representation at reasonable fees. Our team keeps fees reasonable, partly because we do not add phone calls between you and us to your bill. From your initial consultation on, all calls are free.

The Tools of Estate Planning

Our lawyers take pride in providing personalized service. We believe it’s important because it allows us to truly get to know your needs. Only after learning about you and your needs can we determine what tools to incorporate into your estate plan.

Among the commonly used tools are:

  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Advance Directives
  • Living Wills

We take great care in reviewing all of your options with you. We will demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses that come with each choice. We will inform you about estate planning. We will do what is right for you.

Family Law

Corona Divorce Lawyers: Serving Riverside, Corona, Norco and Surrounding Areas

I Need a Divorce. What Do I Do First?

First, you talk to us. We are the attorneys of the Law Offices of John Joseph Buckey, Jr. and Associates. We will start by letting you explain what led up to your decision to get a divorce. We want you to tell us all about what is going on.

Let’s Talk About Your Situation

When you get in touch with us to talk about your divorce, legal separation or domestic partnership dissolution, we’re going to ask you to be specific.

If you have children, we will want to learn about them and about your relationship with them. The Corona divorce lawyers at the Law Offices of John Joseph Buckey, Jr. and Associates want to find out about your job and your income, as well as your spouse’s job and income. We will talk about the property you and your spouse own, such as cars, houses and even things like retirement funds.

Initial Consultations and Phone Calls Are Always Free

Call us or send us an e-mail to tell us about your situation. Our experienced family law attorneys are ready to listen, and we offer a free initial consultation.

Let’s Talk About Your Choices

As part of your uncontested or contested divorce, you will have a lot of choices to make:

You will have to make decisions about the child custody and visitation arrangements you want to pursue

You will have to make decisions pertaining to child support, as well as spousal support/alimony

You will have to make decisions about property division/asset division, which can be complicated if you have substantial assets or debts as well as any separate or inherited property

Other property settlements issues include any professional practices or shared businesses and hidden assets/forensic accounting
Modifications of the divorce order for child custody, child support or alimony

Of course, we will work closely with you to help you make decisions that are right for you. Then we will decide the most effective path of pursuing results. Our goal is to obtain satisfactory results, whether through effective negotiation, mediation, or aggressive representation in the courtroom. We can also discuss any cost-effective divorce options.

Let’s Talk About the Outcome

When you leave the courtroom after your divorce case is over, you will not be surprised by the outcome. That is because we believe in the importance of taking the time to inform you about the potential outcomes of your case. We will explain the directions your case could go. We will give you realistic feedback about the chances of obtaining the outcome you envision.

We Keep Fees Reasonable: Contact Norco Family Law Attorneys
We provide people with effective mediation services at reasonable fees. One reason our fees are reasonable is that we do not add phone calls between you and us to your bill. From your initial consultation on, all calls are free.