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Commercial Trucking Accident Lawyers – 18 Wheeler Crash Attorneys

When it Comes to Telling the Truth, Trusting a Trucker after a Big Rig Accident Can be a Fatal Mistake

A lot of interests are at stake after an 18-wheeler wreck: the driver, the company he works for, the owner of the cargo and the insurance companies that cover all of them. And since every big truck wreck ends up being a very expensive proposition, their side needs to have a fall guy. The first one in line is the driver. And most every time, the driver will try and pass the blame off to you in order to keep his job: usually the minute that the driver climbs out of the cab.

truck accident lawyers
Road damage

This is why it’s never a good idea to trust the truck driver to tell the truth when he or she causes an expensive accident. If truck drivers are found to be liable for an accident, not only will they be fired, it could become very difficult for them to land a new job after costing his or her previous employer enormous amounts of money in liability claims. Sometimes trucking companies, especially if investigations determine they must share negligence liability, throw the driver “under the rig” and fire them outright: then work to distance themselves from their respondeat superior liability by sloughing all of it on the newly-dismissed driver.

And if this isn’t the driver’s first wreck at the wheel of a big rig, he might lose either (or both of) his state trucking driver’s license, or his DOT certification. So now this poor miscreant has to find a new line of work. And with the high unemployment in the U.S., the temptation for that driver to lie, cheat or behave dishonestly to save their job is too great if he wants to keep taking care of his family.

After suffering an injury in a semi accident in which the driver of the truck claimed that our client was driving with his lights off at night, our investigators quickly examined the scene. They discovered a security camera outside a convenience store that was pointed directly its parking lot and the accident scene behind it. The video clearly showed our client’s headlights shining brightly. We proved that the truck driver boldly lied. Witnesses and defendants can lie and/or callously misrepresent critical facts in trucking accident cases.

The big rig accident attorneys with our Law Firm know how to uncover the lies, and replace them with the truth. For decades we have conducted a huge number of successful commercial truck accident investigations and deposed thousands of witnesses to get to the bottom of the case. And we reveal the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Our Law Firm has decades of hard-fought experience handling personal injury litigation in commercial trucking accident cases. If you or a loved one has been hit by one of these trucks, our expertise assures that you receive the fairest compensation possible for the injuries and pain you have suffered. We’ve helped deliver millions of dollars to hundreds of big rig accident victims in Texas. So if you or a loved one has been involved in a trucking accident in Texas, our experienced accident lawyers can win the best compensation possible for you.

Call us today for a free consultation to continue your road to total recovery and that of your family.


Car Accident Lawyers – Personal Injury Law

A car collision can cause muscle and ligament strains and sprains, disk injuries and spinal cord trauma. Back injuries can cause chronic pain, while spinal cord damage can result in paralysis and loss of sensation.

It is likely that someone with a back injury will miss many days of work and may even be unable to resume the same career as before the injury. When a person’s livelihood is threatened, the whole family’s well-being is placed at risk.

After a car accident, a person with a back injury might have to retrain for a new line of work. Anyone in this situation may justifiably feel apprehensive and doubtful about the future.

In these circumstances, a consultation with a capable legal professional can be very reassuring. A lawsuit to recover financial damages due to this kind of common car crash injury might be the best course of action. More information here @

Herniated Disk Is One Kind Of Back Injury

The spinal column or backbone is made up of a series of vertebrae that enclose and protect the vital nerves in the spinal cord. Disks made of a resilient material cushion the spaces between the vertebrae, allowing the spine to bend and flex. Large nerves branch from the spinal cord in these spaces.

Sudden violent force in an auto accident can force a disk out of place. This kind of back injury is known as a herniated disk, sometimes called a slipped disk. Herniated disks most commonly occur in the lower part of the back, called the lumbar region.

A slipped disk can affect the back in several ways. Bending the spine can become difficult or painful. Nerves can be pinched or pressed, leading to numbness or weakness in the back. The injured person may experience painful back spasms.

Slipped Disk Effects And Treatment

A herniated disk in the lumbar region could cause pain in one or both legs, even down to the calf and the sole of the foot. The affected leg may feel numb or weak, and the same symptoms might also affect the hips or buttocks. An injured person might find it difficult to sit, so this kind of back injury could make a return to a desk job difficult, let alone performing physical labor.

After a car accident, treatment for a slipped disk begins with rest and pain medication. Doctors often prescribe no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for long-term pain relief, using narcotic drugs as necessary for acute pain. Muscle relaxants can help relieve muscle spasms.

People may worry about taking pain medications for an extended period of time with good reason, as they pose the risk of developing a dependence on narcotics.

Spinal Cord Injuries

If the spinal cord is damaged, the injury can diminish or cut off the brain’s signals that direct movement and enable sensations. The effects depend on where the injury is and whether the spinal cord is bruised, partly severed or completely cut through.

Depending on where in the back the spinal cord is damaged, paralysis and numbness can occur below the level of the injury. With a low back injury, the legs can be affected. The spinal cord can also be damaged much higher up due to a neck injury, in which case the torso and all four limbs could be paralyzed.

Spinal cord injuries are a serious potential consequence of a car accident. Anyone who suffers this kind of injury needs information about recovering financial damages, especially if another driver has been negligent. Click on this link for more information

Family Law

Distinguishing Uncontested vs. Contested Divorce

In seeking a divorce, you may have heard the terms “uncontested” and “contested” divorce. There are many differences between these two types of divorce. We believe it is very important for parties seeking a divorce to be well-informed of their options, including understanding the pros and cons of each.

At the Law Offices, we can explain possible divorce options to you as well as cost-effective and affordable ones. We want you to be fully-aware of all your options and will help you determine what is the best option for your particular case. Every divorce is different, and we provide individualized and catered attention to each of our divorce clients.

Initial Consultations and Phone Calls Are Always Free

Call us or send us se. Our experienced Corona uncontested divorce lawyers are ready an e-mail to tell us about your particular divorce or legal separation cato listen, and we offer a free initial consultation.

Uncontested Divorce – Affordable – Cost-Effective – Efficient
In an uncontested divorce, parties decide what they want on all relevant divorce issues, including:

  • Property division/asset division
  • Child support
  • Spousal support/alimony
  • Child custody and visitation

By agreeing to negotiate and cooperate, parties are able to save both time and money through a low-fixed fee. Instead of a judge, the parties come to an agreement using an attorney through a mediation process. In addition to reducing anxiety, parties become very knowledgeable as to their rights and the laws through several meetings with their attorney. An experienced attorney can facilitate an uncontested divorce fairly quickly, usually within two to six months. Another benefit of uncontested divorce is that it often lessens the impact on any children involved. Our attorneys provide exceptional collaborative divorce services and can discuss how this would work for you.

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce is more traditionally known. Parties use a third-party judge to make decisions on all divorce issues. There is very little room for parties to help create their own divorce order and it is essentially all up to the judge. Contested divorce cases are usually longer and can sometimes take years to get through the court system to reach a judgment. Oftentimes there is more anxiety during a contested divorce process since parties are not as sure as to the final outcome. Both parties incur more expenses in legal fees. However, if litigation is what turns out to be your divorce option, our attorneys are aggressive and effective in the courtroom.

Contact Our Riverside Contested Divorce Attorneys
We handle both uncontested divorce and contested divorce for people in Riverside County, as well as the surrounding parts of California.